Monsters under your bed
We blame politicians for the mess we're in today, and they may well be some of the worst people in the system, but only because the system is designed so only the worst people make it to those positions. We should blame the real demons...

It's easy to point the finger, but 'the elites' are still only people. They were exposed to the same social defaults and conditioning we all grew into. They are the heads to our tails, and nothing more.
Egregores are our true enemies. Soulless and formless, these entities are at the core of every collective in the land. And they are virtually unstoppable.
Not limited to governments & corporations, an egregore is a concept, like a meme, contracts, agreements or red tape, and needs nothing more than your acknowledgement and compliance to exist.
We can barely see them because they are so cleverly disguised by the absence of form, and yet their influence on our lives is undeniable.
We give these thoughtforms lifeform pronouns, so we can blame them when things go wrong. Occasionally we'll give one a name, which invariably becomes the battle cry for our tribe to pile in; spare a thought for the Karens, forever categorised by a damning social construct not of their making.
Karen: Stigmatized social identity and face-threat in the on/offline nexus
Extract from: Journal of Pragmatics, Volume 188, January 2022, Pages 14-30
Despite 'Karen' not being real, she was weaponised and sent to war online, driving a wedge deeper into an already divided global society. All it took was our acknowledgement and compliance for this egregore to become part of our culture.

Not all egregores are bad (ice bucket challenge anyone?) and most are easy to spot when you know where to look. Consider current trends, and how they seem to have a power all of their own. Well, they do! At the core of every trend is an egregore, preying on our need to feel accepted.
It is they who have us consuming tonnes and tonnes of stuff in pursuit of an unattainable perfection. They tell us what to wear, what to eat, what to think and what not to say. They decide what shape and even what gender our bodies and our children's bodies should be, and the Profit Egregore is never far behind, taking its cut.
The influence some brands have over our children makes it impossible for parents to say 'no' if they want to avoid drama, or worse, have their child bullied for being 'that kid'. It's easier to give in than it is to admit to ourselves, the monsters under their beds are real.
What your child wants to play;
What they believe is true;
What they'll be when they grow up;
An Egregore decides for you.
~Lil, 6th August, 2023
The Profit Egregore is summoned each time a new trading entity emerges. Some profit in business is essential; people need wages, right? Even non-profit cannot function without some other entity's surplus. But when profit is put before people, when it becomes the sole purpose of that entity's existence, that's when this 'Money God' turns into a demon.
With only one purpose and no conscience, a Profit Egregore will grow in any and all directions, stopping only when profit turns to loss. Even then the intent may persist for a short while after profit leaves the building. If the puppets doing its bidding hide the loss inside lies & corruption, the egregore's shadow will linger until the lie can no longer be concealed.
Left unchecked, this egregore will consume the souls of men, turning saints into sinners to secure its own survival, living long after the CEO who bought the politician is dead.

Lastly we have the most notorious of them all: Government. This egregore simply cannot exist without consent of the governed. That fact has been cleverly hidden from us today by corrupt politicians, who have us looking the other way while they chase the Profit Egregore and steal its power. Politicians who don't give a damn about consent.
They know by now we've all but accepted we are powerless, and we're not wrong, because we accept it. If we disagree with a leader's vision today, they use our own egregore against us to fine us, jail us, label us and lock us up in hospitals that make us bitter not better, leading us down pathways made financially viable beforehand by the Profit Egregore.
Who actions government plans? Who oversees government policy? Who enforces the law? Who police the streets? Who keeps us two meters apart in supermarkets? Who reports us when we don't toe the line? Who administers punishment? People.
We have become so distracted and easily lead that we've forgotten we hold all the power they borrow. Bread & circuses, and the odd court jester to mock injustice and make it fair has kept the King's subjects happy since the Crusades.
Then again, do we even want that power back? When it's easier to blame Leaders for the mess, than our own stupidity.
Our ancestors warned demons would rise, and we laughed.
They were not wrong.
We hand all our power to them willingly, allowing them to shepherd us on a life journey that should be ours alone to map. It is the collective will of all the egregores combined that creates The Matrix within which humans are confined.
Why do we do it?
I'll let Terry Pratchett answer that question better than I ever could.
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